1136 Hamilton St Allentown, PA18101 United States of America
More About 1Beyer-Barber Company
Beyer-Barber Company is an Allentown, Pennsylvania-based independent actuarial and employee benefit consulting firm operating totally on behalf of our clients and independent from any bank, mutual fund, or insurance company.? Our business philosophy has been to provide professional services to meet our clients? needs and objectives at a competitive fee. We specialize in the design, implementation and annual administration of Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, and Health and Welfare benefit programs. Our clients range in size from less than 5 participants, to over 20,000 participants and $1,000,000,000 in assets.? As the firm's background states, Beyer-Barber Company is an employee benefits and actuarial consulting firm. While this is our only business, staff members have a wide range of employee benefit related backgrounds in areas other than pure retirement programs. The strategic plan of Beyer-Barber Company is to be committed to providing the highest quality of employee benefits consulting possible. Our time and capital resources are totally allocated to supporting that business. The result is evident in the superior specialized service we are able to provide to our clients. We are proud to have over half a century of providing services from our Allentown location.