37525 Interchange Drive Farmington Hills, MI48335 United States of America
Company Details
More About 1-800-BOLLARDS
1-800-BOLLARDS is a Woman-Owned business and supplier of architectural and security bollards that protect property, assets and people across the world. Since 2008, 1-800-BOLLARDS has supplied bollards to customers in major categories such as large retailers, stadiums and arenas, cities and municipalities, government facilities, religious institutions, and colleges and universities.
1-800-BOLLARDS bollards are designed to stop unwanted vehicle incursion by using fixed, removable, and retractable bollards. Made from high-quality carbon steel or stainless steel, 1-800-BOLLARDS offers the widest range of bollards on the market today. Choose from over 400 styles and 200 powder coat colors.
Contact us for more information, quote or any questions that may arise. We are here to serve you.