297 Beachfront Manasquan, NJ08736 United States of America
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More About 397Closings
NJ home buyers and sellers may not be aware, but the traditional process for buying a home changed in October 2015 when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) implemented the TILA-RESPA Integrated Mortgage Disclosures (TRID) Rule.
We knew and we were prepared. The changes under TRID condensed the legal workload for real estate closings, as many of our previous duties are now the responsibility of the mortgage lenders and/or the title agencies.
That got us thinking: if we streamlined the process for executing the legal requirements of a real estate closing, we could offer our services to NJ home buyers and sellers for significantly less than what the average attorney charges.
And that’s how 397Closings was born. Closings for only $397.
397Closings works with attorneys who have over 90 years of combined professional real estate closing experience, we save our clients more by focusing only on real estate closings.